Nytrolene Topdress

21.5-3.5-8 (NPK) + 2.0 Fe, 2.0 Mg +TE

Slow-Release of nitrogen, via hydrolisis with early Spring available via IBDU and Nitrate N.

Up to 10 weeks
• Contains high Magnesium and Iron to overcome ‘Winter Yellows’, stimulates growth in early Spring and continues feeding as the weather warms.
• No loss of fertilizer if the plant falls over because the product sticks to the surface of the growing medium.
• Easy, free flowing, low dust application, making it very user friendly.”
• The higher Phosphorus caters to the needs of many exotic plants and the high level of Potassium encourages stronger, controlled growth.
• Methylene Urea (MU) releases nitrogen via 80% microbial action and 20% Hydrolysis. While the Nitrogen in IBDU is released by 100% Hydrolysis.
• Nitrogen release via hydrolysis is an advantage when soil temperatures are low, as is the case in early Spring.
• Nytrolene Spring Topdress is formulated with both forms of Slow Release Nitrogen – IBDU and MU. In spring, foliage temperatures are higher in the day than pot soil temperatures. The plant wants to grow, but needs an available source of nitrogen.
• Controlled release fertilisers and Methylene Urea based fertilisers are not yet fully functional.
• IBDU though will release nitrogen early in spring to provide a ‘kick’ to the crop.
• The added Nitrate N will also contribute. Followed by a long slow release N from the MU fraction as it warms up.
Use with good ventilation. Safety glasses with side shields, chemical goggles or full face shield, as appropriate should be used.
Wear gloves of impervious material. Suitable protective work gear such as cotton overalls buttoned at neck and wrists is reccommended.
Chemical resistent apron is recommended where large quantities are handled. Maintain high standards of personal hygeine.
Available volumes:
20kg Bag