Government Support for Wandilo Expansion
May 31, 2022
Recently, Bio Gro was awarded some government funding for expanding our capacity at Wandilo. This funding will go towards increasing our composting pads and hardstand for organics, adding liquid bunkers and also the commissioning of a wastewater treatment plant to help to Recover, Refine and Reapply our current pond runoff water and reduce the need to draw irrigation water from the ground. These investments help to create additional infrastructure for meeting the growing focus on organics recovery and increase Bio Gro’s focus on sustainability.
Tony Pasin (Federal MP) recently visited Wandilo to congratulate Bio Gro on its achievement and to show support for the ongoing investment in solutions that reduce impacts on the environment.
We gratefully appreciate the assistance of Green Industries SA and the Federal Government for
their ongoing commitment that supports diversion of organics from landfill.